Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

humerous commercials, weigh in

Okay I’m beginning a new series of bogs…. Interactive blogs, where one must weigh in and give their opinion. Today’s topic… Top Ten funniest super bowl commercials… Enjoy….

P.S. Hold down Ctrl and click on the link to follow…

  1. The Career Builder Commercials



  1. Garmin (Power Ranger)

  1. Doritos (Crash)

  1. Whopper Jr.

7. Whopper Jr. #2

8. Paper-scissors- rock

9. K-Fed Commercial

10. Chevy-Hilarious but disturbing

Friday, February 16, 2007

The calling...

Someone was speaking on Thursday evening; those of you that go to church with me will know where these words are coming from. A certain gentleman whom I have a great amount of respect for was conveying how God had laid a people upon his heart. His name is John and he is a missionary to Zimbabwe. We were having a Q and A and the question was posed. How did you know you were supposed to go to Africa? My crude interpretation of his answer: Because God laid a people upon his heart. People that he didn’t know, people that he didn’t know much about, people that he didn’t really have much in common with, however he would give his life for them. Not speaking of martyrdom (though knowing this man, I am sure he would) but speaking of laying down his life, getting nothing in return, but day after day, working to make their lives better in any way he could. In my life this translates to something smaller, but still important. I am not called to the country of Zimbabwe, but rather to Regent Undergraduate University. I am here serving on Regent Undergraduate Council trying to make the school a better place not only for the students here, but the students that come after us. My heart is for this student body, to help students in any way I can. Touching lives on an individual basis, as well as in groups if the opportunity so arises. To provide support, to provide community, to exude the love of Christ to make your experience at Regent Undergrad a little easier. We have enough hardships in life, we need a helping hand wherever one is extended. What I am trying to say is I love you guys, those of you I know and don’t know yet. Those of you in communications and in every other major, I am here for you, as well as the rest of the team for whatever you need.


p.s. I’m not going to tell you I’m here for you and not extend a way to communicate, feel free to contact me….My e-mail

If you need the council on official business the e-mail is

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A journey to Antarctica aka cleaning off my desk...

I lovingly refer to my desk as Antarctica (A barren wasteland)… I’m staring at my desk willing myself to simultaneously clean, study, and write 3 papers…I can do all 3 at the same time, as well as blog. Why you may ask? Because I’m a woman, it’s called multi-tasking. First I will myself to re-read a chapter for a 3rd time trying to get some inspiration for this paper. No pressure or anything, it’s only worth ½ my grade. Then I glance to a copy of a ticket I just plead guilty to. HOT TIP: Always make copy’s before you put something potentially life altering into the mail. HOTTER TIP: If you’re going to talk in the phone in New York use an earpiece or have an extra $115 handy to pay the ticket that you will surely receive. Next to the ticket, Mt. Dew… Heaven’s nectar as we call it in my Tuesday night classes. It keeps me going during my multi tasking marathon. Study, study, study….Check grades, post a reply in world views… some days it just seems like it never ends… then we get to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow :-)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Wall

If you were to walk in my room you would have two initial thoughts. WHOAH! …would be the first. It’s getting towards the end of the semester and I have 30 pages due in the next two weeks, so cleaning is not top on the list of priorities. The second thing you would ponder is “the wall.” “The wall” is where I monitor my progress. As I reach somewhere around the half way point in a semester I write down assignments and cross them off as I complete them. With every assignment I cross off I feel a sense of accomplishment. I am working towards a goal, a diploma, a degree. With every class my wall grows, and my goal becomes more attainable. This visual way of monitoring my progress helps me when I feel the end is still so far. Just be encouraged, sometimes you can’t see the beginning from the end, but God always has a plan.
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