Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, April 30, 2007

To have and to hold, for better or for worse....

Hello everyone out there in internet world! We need a hott topic to discuss. Democrats? Abortion? Pat Robertson’s political comments? JUST KIDDING. I don’t want to get beat up after class tomorrow night! Let’s talk about weddings. Now please understand THIS is just my opinion, if that many people disagree we can hold a public trial on the make shift gallows that will surely be built by the 3 million dollar fountain on campus. So this is me venting. We were discussing weddings around the lunch table at work today. I just need to let everyone know. Carol, last name to remain nameless is the “bomb”. I adore when Jesus gives you amazing people to love. Well we were discussing weddings.

I DON’T CARE ABOUT A WEDDING. If there was a most likely to elope “superlative” in high school it would have been mine for sure. The one time I came close to debating getting married the conversation went a little something like this:

Satan as we formerly call the ex: I wanna have ten thousand of your babies, wife, blah blah blah.
Me: Is a wedding important to you? Like in a church with your family?
Satan: YES! I want to get married in a church with my family and have a big wedding.
Me: Fine, when you pick a date I’ll get a dress and show up, the rest is TOTALLY up to you.

Why do people feel the need to stress out about things like centerpieces and napkins? I swear if you see some brides their worlds are ending!

Me: What’s wrong hunnie?
Fake bride: (hyperventilating) the napkins can’t come in fresh peach they are coming in matte peach and they aren’t gonna match anything!!!
Me: Oh hunnie (while thinking in my head, there are two different colors of peach?)

I just don’t get it. Long ago my best friend Daphne knew that if it came to me walking down an aisle, she and my sisters were going to have to do most of it.

When you get to spend the rest of your life with an amazing man of God and could drop cash on something like a car, or a down payment on a house, why spend it on a day? I just don’t see the need to stress and plan and plan and stress. In the end who cares what color the napkins are?It’s really about the “I do’s” and the kiss anyway….

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Romans 14:19 (Read it :)

I decided my goal for the day was to find purpose in my day. If there is no purpose in a day you’re just going to work and making it through the day and going to sleep and getting up and doing it all over again the next day…I have purpose in life. That is our common goal, to save souls for the kingdom…That is no small task, that is actually huge, gargantuan even! (Ten point word score for me) We spend our lives devoted to God, living for Him and sharing the gospel with others, but I hope I’m not alone in saying this some days it doesn’t seem like enough. It might be selfish, I don’t know? It might be terribly wrong to say? Maybe I’m not doing enough…okay, most probably I’m not doing enough… However I feel as if there has to be more in a day. SO…I set out to accomplish. “Daily I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus our Lord…” What exactly is my calling? Leave it to Jesus to shake things up a bit. I’m not sure how everyone feels about prophecy, so take my words however you choose and allow God to speak to you. Growing up I have gotten numerous words about my future. “My daughter, you will travel the waters, you will speak into the ears of the leaders of nations and nations will change. You will bring peace between races.” At work today I received a phone call and a woman began praying for me on the phone. During her praying she in a very meek spirit began to (please excuse my “Christianese”) read my mail, and prophecy to me as she prayed. She spoke “You will travel the oceans and speak to the leaders of the nations. God will create opportunity. You will never lack for words but God will supply your words and teach you what to do….(She spoke of a current situation going on with my roommates where much dissention is found) I am bringing peace to your living situation. You don’t have to worry about it because I am going to bring peace in your home…(She spoke of the loss of my father) God is going to heal your heart from the loss of your father, God says he takes care of the widows and the orphans, you will not lack for any good thing...The woman continued on about my future mate (I don’t like that word)… well anyway, she spoke about my current man situation and my future man situation and she continued for a good ten minutes just being dead on! Afterwards she had to tell me to take 3 deep breaths. And then I went to fake chapel (which is a completely different situation in itself) but at fake chapel we prayed and there was a release… It’s that weight you can physically feel lift off your shoulders. You feel the dark and twistys in your tummy unwind and you feel a little bit lighter….That is when you really feel at peace. No matter what the situation’s look like around you it doesn’t matter because you place your trust in God’s hands. So did I find purpose in my day? Absolutely…. As my mom says, to be the change in someone’s day. To sow in tears and to reap in joy…. To be a peacemaker, that is today’s purpose. The key? New purpose for each day…

Monday, April 16, 2007

my mom

Jesus is # 1, but my mom is completely a close second. I don’t think I could express to you all how amazing my mom is. We have those people who love and support us, but then there are the people who go above and beyond. My favorite thing about my mom? She prays for me. We are connected in a way that goes beyond. She just knows things, not because I tell her, but because she senses things. When I have a bad day, she knows. When I can’t sleep, she knows. Back in the day when I was running around doing the crazy things Jesus would wake her up with dreams about what I was doing. She knew, but she loved me unconditionally and prayed for me, and today I am who I am because of her. My mother has always encouraged me to be an individual and supported me breaking the mold. She loves me for my differences and adores me for my broken edges… As a parent she’s a fixer, but as a friend she’s learning to be more of a listener. She trusts in me and more importantly in God for my future. Beyond all of those things she’s mad cool. What kind of mom fights over the remote because I’m want C-Span and she wants pimp my ride? She’s coming to town this week, for a family wedding and to get some new tattoos (not joking about the tattoos…) If you see us around campus make sure to say hello...

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