Sarah Christina Williams is my given name. Williams, my last name, is the first descriptor of my background and heritage. Joseph Monroe Williams, my father was the one to explain to me where our name came from, though the Williams surname is
Friday, March 30, 2007
some family history---
Saturday, March 24, 2007
i knew i was going to have to bear my soul ya go.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Testing the system
Is anyone else wondering where in the world March went? I mean January and February pretty much flew by, by March is just GONE! It’s already the end of the month. It seems like after finals week/spring break I just got lost. I got grades back. *eeeks* So guys I am about to test the system, wish me luck.. I am going to follow the procedure for grade appeals as outlined in the student handbook. I had a class in which I put all my effort into. My other grades even suffered for it, however I knew it would be difficult and in order to achieve the “A” I had to work for it. So I did, only to be told my best wasn’t good enough… So not only was that a downer, I don’t believe it was right. I believe the certain assignment which I am challenging was an A quality paper. I put forth more effort, research, and time then any paper at this school thus far and I do well in school, so that’s saying a lot. I don’t know if the Professor doesn’t give A’s (Which I don’t think they do) or whatever the circumstance was, but we will see what the system can do. Wish me luck, I’ll keep you posted!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

After work on Wednesday driving to
Saturday, March 3, 2007

Now that I’m all grown up I don’t actually get a spring break, I get to go to work with the rest of the adults. *Boo* I’ve been reverting back to child hood for awhile now. I have been independent for almost five years. Three years ago my father past away, the first two years after he died I lived in a dorm. I was pretty well taken care of by the campus; everything I needed was at my finger tips. This year I went back to apartment living. *SCARY* Now if I don’t make rent I’m screwed. There is no calling up daddy and saying hey can you spot me a few hundred… I’m forced to be an adult, so now I don’t think I want to be. It’s quite a dilemma. I’m sure some counseling student would have a blast psycho analyzing me; however I’m just taking it one day at a time, trusting that God has me in his hands. So my spring beak plans… fish sitting for my roommates fish. Freudia. It’s like a week long slumber party, if I don’t go out the fun comes in…… *stellar*
Friday, March 2, 2007
So… It’s the final week of classes, everything is due Monday… All 20 pages of the everything I have left. I would make a humorous joke about taking the highest bidder to due it for me however, I think I’ll steer clear from that joke today :) … In truth it’s been a positively awful week however we all have those. I’ve been waking up at 5 am this week for NOOO good reason, my body just says wake up even though it went to sleep not so long ago! This makes for an interesting morning. Yesterday I ended up barely making it to work on time wearing one earring and white socks with my black dress slacks… For some reason unbeknownst to me I left the house in red shoes; however I had to come back in to fix that problem. It was officially a day I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed. I've heard about those, but haven't experienced one till yesterday...A little bad news a work topped it off, and I feel like I’m barely swimming. So I give up, and I give full control to God, which is where the control should have been in the first place. Lets see if this swimming can get me somewhere besides in laps… I trust that it will...