Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, March 2, 2007


So… It’s the final week of classes, everything is due Monday… All 20 pages of the everything I have left. I would make a humorous joke about taking the highest bidder to due it for me however, I think I’ll steer clear from that joke today :) … In truth it’s been a positively awful week however we all have those. I’ve been waking up at 5 am this week for NOOO good reason, my body just says wake up even though it went to sleep not so long ago! This makes for an interesting morning. Yesterday I ended up barely making it to work on time wearing one earring and white socks with my black dress slacks… For some reason unbeknownst to me I left the house in red shoes; however I had to come back in to fix that problem. It was officially a day I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed. I've heard about those, but haven't experienced one till yesterday...A little bad news a work topped it off, and I feel like I’m barely swimming. So I give up, and I give full control to God, which is where the control should have been in the first place. Lets see if this swimming can get me somewhere besides in laps… I trust that it will...

1 comment:

Nathan Tillett said...

Its true. Sometimes you have to give up and let God take control of what's going on. I did just that recently. On Christmas Eve I recieved a speeding ticket from Virginia Beaches finest. I ended up loosing my liscense and spending a two weekends in jail because of it. I also lost my job for a month. When the judge slammed that gavel down my heart sank. But I lifted up my chin and just let go. I knew that my life was no longer in my hands right now. That I have to let God take control and help me through this time of need. So far he has done a great job. I'm sure he has done a great job for you too.

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