Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Got nothing to say anymore
There's nothing new
It's all been done before
Not looking to settle the score
So please let me be

Thought I'd be the one you'd adore
I always thought
I would be so much more
Want something that I can't afford
So please let me be
Please let me be

This is the end of a really sad story
But don't feel bad for me
I started out alone
And in the end that's where I'll be
Like the star of a really sad story
You don't live happily
I started out alone
And in the end that's where I'll be

-----Plain White T’s----

So the day…

It was decided that today would be spent breathing.

No church today as a crisis happened around 5:30 this morning… after the crisis was averted?

I laid face down in my yummy comfy bed BREATHING

Time to balance the check book and even more scarily the debit card… after the bookwork?

I laid face up on the floor BREATHING

The amazing roommate wanted “pie shaped brownies” so on to “pie shaped brownies” then some breathing and thought. Deep thought… results of the deep thinking? pie shaped brownies are way easier than figuring out life... stick with the baking...

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