Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, March 3, 2007


Now that I’m all grown up I don’t actually get a spring break, I get to go to work with the rest of the adults. *Boo* I’ve been reverting back to child hood for awhile now. I have been independent for almost five years. Three years ago my father past away, the first two years after he died I lived in a dorm. I was pretty well taken care of by the campus; everything I needed was at my finger tips. This year I went back to apartment living. *SCARY* Now if I don’t make rent I’m screwed. There is no calling up daddy and saying hey can you spot me a few hundred… I’m forced to be an adult, so now I don’t think I want to be. It’s quite a dilemma. I’m sure some counseling student would have a blast psycho analyzing me; however I’m just taking it one day at a time, trusting that God has me in his hands. So my spring beak plans… fish sitting for my roommates fish. Freudia. It’s like a week long slumber party, if I don’t go out the fun comes in…… *stellar*


Nathan Tillett said...

I totaly know how you feel. Being grown up just isn't cool sometimes.

In response to your last comment you left me: I could put a face with the name and the blog if you would like?...

Kyle Graham said...

Hmmm... I had lots of seafood this weekend including lobster, snow crab, several kinds of shrimp, lobster bisque, crab and losbter stuffed mushrooms... I guess I was so consumed with those dishes I forgot about Freudia. The only questinon remains now is... baked or fried?

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